Mindfulness Garden Games
by Joann Calabrese
author of Growing Mindful

How Will You Honor Autumn Equinox?

Amaranth forming seeds

Autumn equinox happens on Wednesday (September 22) at 1:21 PM Mountain Time. (Find the time for your location here.) The Equinoxes – both spring and fall – are a time when day and night are of equal length. It is one of only two moments in the year when the sun is directly over the equator.  The northern hemisphere of our home planet will begin to tilt away from the sun as we welcome autumn and head toward winter.

So What Will You Do to Honor This Time?
Flax seed pods
Flax seed pods – collards as background

The equinoxes hold the dual energy of transition and balance. We are transitioning from summer to fall- light to darkness – warmth to coolness. But there is also a moment of perfect balance. Taking the time to get in sync with the energies of this event in whatever way makes sense to you is a great mindfulness activity. Think about setting a timer on Wednesday for the moment of equinox and stopping to be present for this mystery. We are on a large rock in infinite space as it travels around the sun. Two times a year, the the earth passes this balancing point. Stop and appreciate that for a moment.

More Ideas for Honoring this Moment
Marigold flowers and seed pods
Marigold flowers and seed pods

If you are a journaler, spend some time contemplating and writing about the energy of the equinox. What is transitioning in your garden and in your life and how do you best flow with the process?  Also ask yourself what is in balance in the garden and in your life and how can you nourish those balance points?

Observe what is happening in the garden. The annual plants are putting energy into seed formation – creating life for a new generation, but many are still flowering. Notice the balance of some flower buds and seeds – beginnings and endings.

Butterfly Weed Seed Pods
Butterfly Weed Seed Pods
Seed Saving to Honor the Autumn Equinox

A beautiful way to tap into the energy of the equinox is to spend some time gathering seeds. Seed saving doesn’t have to be complicated. Many flowers like marigolds, cosmos, and zinnia produce seeds that are easily collected. Seeds produced by your own garden will be heartier and more ready for the micro-climates in your yard. You can store them in glass jars for next season and also give them as gifts to friends and new gardeners.

And even if you have no interest in saving seeds, take some time on the equinox to notice the seeds forming in the green world. Stop for a moment and hold seeds in your hand as a mini-ritual. Align with this moment and acknowledge the transitions all around us. Many plants are fading, but the seeds they are producing will create new life. The energy of the plant has transitioned into tiny seeds. There is something miraculous in this transition. Take the time to contemplate that fact.

Happy Autumn Equinox!


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