Mindfulness Garden Games
by Joann Calabrese
author of Growing Mindful

Personal Coaching

What is Coaching?

Do you have goals you dream about but have trouble implementing? Do you wish for more connection, a more spiritual life, or clearer purpose? Does your professional life seem out of sync with your values? Have you tried meditation or mindfulness practice but are unclear about progress being made? Coaching may provide an answer. The coaching process can address personal or professional goals, whatever you are working on. You are always the driver in a client-coach relationship. Coaching supports individuals with clarifying goals and moving forward with creating the life they want.

Working with Me 

I am accepting a limited number of virtual coaching clients whose life goals are around spirituality, creativity, relationship building, life transitions, garden mindfulness, or integrating meditation and mindfulness more fully into their lives. If you are interested in working with me, please read over this document and fill out the request of consultation form at this link. I will get back to you within a day or two to set up an initial free consultation.

More Information about the Coaching Process

I work together with clients to shine a light on wants, needs, strengths, and life purpose. We also examine competing values and demands. Goal setting follows naturally from that process.  Once your goals are well defined, I will be an ally in helping you achieve them, by recognizing strengths and brainstorming with you when overcoming obstacles. I will also provide feedback when you have wandered off track from your self-identified path. That might mean a change of goals or it might be a call to get back on track.

I can also provide information on wellness tools, including mindfulness techniques and habit changing practices that enhance the ability to reach goals and design the life you want to live.

Coaching is a process. It involves a commitment from both parties to be fully present during sessions and aware of new information and perspectives. The coaching relationship is confidential.

Coaching is not counseling, therapy, or advice giving and if a client needs counseling or therapy, a referral for those services will be made.

Benefits of Coaching

Coaching sessions provide focused uninterrupted time to think deeply about goals, assess progress, make adjustments, and recognize successes.

Coaching provides an accountability partner. There is more likelihood that you will make progress on your goals. Coaching sessions help you maintain focus on your goals, reaffirm your commitment to them, and find ways to overcome obstacles and continue to move forward.

The coach has only the client’s stated interests as their focus. This contrasts with family and friends who often want to be helpful but have their own agendas about how the client’s life should unfold. Coaching shines a brighter light on your stated goals and helps you develop the path to reach them.


In trying to make this service as equitable as possible I am offering a sliding scale option. Having worked in the non-profit world most of my life, I always appreciated when a sliding scale was available. Please be fair and honest and pay the amount that aligns with your ability to pay. This enables me to offer the lower rate to those who need it.

Sliding Scale

30 minute sessions are $45 – $60

50 minute sessions are $65 – $90

Sample Coaching Agreement (We will fill one out if we agree to work together.)


As a coach, I agree to partner with you to identify and achieve your goals. My intention is to create a safe space for discussing dreams, goals, challenges, and action steps and be a strong ally for you as you work toward your stated goals.

I will:

  • bring deep listening, understanding, belief in you, and commitment to your success.
  • recognize your strengths and successes, offer different perspectives for thinking about challenges, and guarantee confidentiality (to the fullest extent of the law).
  • suggest activities and make requests that may help in defining or achieving goals. You are free to agree or disagree with those activities and requests.

Coaching is not psychotherapy or counseling.  If any issues come up for you that should be handled by a licensed therapist or physician, I will direct you to them.


As a client, I:

  • am motivated to act on my personal and professional goals.
  • understand the difference between coaching and counseling and if at any time I need the assistance of a counseling professional or therapist I will contract with them for support.
  • accept full responsibility for myself and any actions I take that might result from Coaching.
  • agree to honor my scheduled session times, barring emergencies. I will contact the coach as soon as possible in emergency situations.
The Plan

We will meet _______________(weekly, every other week, etc.) on Zoom or other agreed upon virtual platform for at least 12 weeks. Each session is _________ (length of session) in length and the fee is ________ per session.  A 12 week commitment is the minimum amount of time needed for implementing life changes and energizing goals. I ask clients to commit to 12 weeks as a starting point, however, either party can end the coaching relationship at any time. If you have paid for unused sessions, I will refund the unused fees.

At 12 weeks, we will assess the direction and helpfulness of the coaching relationship and make a decision about proceeding

If an emergency comes up that makes meeting impossible, we can call each other to relay that information, and will schedule a new meeting time.

If you want to contact me between sessions, please use this email: joanncalabrese@gmail.com .  I will make every attempt to respond to your e-mail  within 48 hours, with an email or short phone call at your discretion.

I have read and agree to this coaching agreement

______________________        __________

Client                                                          Date


______________________        _______

Coach                                                            Date

Click here to go to the Request for Initial Consultation Form 

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