Mindfulness Garden Games
by Joann Calabrese
author of Growing Mindful

In-Between Seasons & Edging Toward Winter

The Slow Progression to Winter

Part of the Harvest

Some years winter arrives quickly with a hard frost decimating most of the garden. But this year it is a slower progression. We’ve had multiple light frosts which have finished off the tomatoes, eggplants and other heat loving plants. But kale, collards, and chard are all loving the cold nights and warm days. They look vibrant and healthy. Some of my sunflowers are still flowering as well as some hardy cosmos and zinnias. And yesterday I discovered ripe raspberries on the vines – stragglers to be sure, but delicious.

November Sunflower

I’m treasuring these last days of gardening. Temperatures are in the 60s by day and the 30s at night. It’s an “in-between” time. The garden is not lush and overflowing, but it is also not barren and snow covered.

Working with the Energy of the Season

We can embrace this “in-between” time by taking our cues from the green world. The energy of the garden turns inward, and we can use this season as a time to turn inward as well.

Liberty Apples

The longer nights provide time for reflection and taking stock of what we’ve harvested and collected (be it garden produce or wisdom about our lives and the world). So it is definitely a time of respite. But it is also an opportunity to dive into the projects we’ve not been able to complete during the busy gardening season.

Part of the Pumpkin Harvest

My list of projects includes processing flax I grew this year into linen and getting more proficient at spinning both flax and wool on hand spindles. (More on both of these in a future blog.) I’m also experimenting with dying fabric and fiber with plant-based dyes. My grandson requested pumpkin pickles so I’ll be attempting those soon. And of course, reflecting on this year’s garden and planning for next year are on the list.

This “in-between” season of darkness before the holiday hub-bub can be both a period of  respite and a time to focus on other projects. And I wish you both – time to rest and time to embrace projects that are dear to your heart. The darkness provides time and opportunity for both.

Holiday Gifts and other Notes and Reminders

Looking for holiday gifts for the gardeners in your life? – my book Growing Mindful – Explorations in the Garden to Deepen Your Awareness is available through Amazon or your local bookseller.

and Garden notecards with beautiful illustrations based on my book and created by Amy Calabrese are available through Etsy.

I will be hosting an on-line Garden Mindfulness Circle on Sunday December 12th. It’s free and details are at Eventbrite.

If you are on the Goodreads website –  check out the current Give-Away to win a signed copy of my book.

Growing Mindful
Growing Mindful


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