Mindfulness Garden Games
by Joann Calabrese
author of Growing Mindful

Seeking the Dependable

Seeking the Dependable

Does it feel like the world is more chaotic of late? It could be that our interconnectedness simply makes us more aware of disorder. Either way, it is easy to be rocked by chaos. And we may find ourselves seeking stability and dependability in and around our lives. One of my favorite garden vegetables, collards, are a shining example of dependability. And we can work with the energy of collards to nurture steadfastness throughout our lives.

Collards in the Garden

I will get to the “throughout our lives” part in a moment, but first let’s focus on collards the garden plant. Collards are one of the most dependable vegetables in my yard. They are nutritious, easy to grow, and produce abundantly. They are rich in vitamin A, C, and K and a good source or iron. Like the whole family of cruciferous vegetables they belong to, they are thought to provide protection against some cancers. If you are unfamiliar with collards, they can be used in any recipe calling for greens. They are delicious chopped and steamed with a touch of olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

And honestly, they are beautiful if you stop to look at them. The rosette of large leaves is impressive and individual leaves can be 10-12 inches across. Many leafy greens are not happy in the hot Denver sun. But collards, even though they prefer cool weather, do great in the summer garden. And when the first frost and light snow arrives, they not only survive but thrive. As other plants are dying, they shine.

There are lots of garden plants I have to fuss over, but collards are not one of them. They are rock solid dependable from both a nutrition and gardening standpoint.

What’s the essence of dependability?

One of the things I love about collards is that I can count on them. And that seems to be the essence of dependability.  We don’t have to expend a lot of bandwidth on the things in our lives that are dependable. We know they will be there when we need them. They are consistent and stable.

Cosmos - Also Dependable
Cosmos – Also Dependable

But because the dependable does not grab our attention the way turmoil does, we sometimes take it for granted. When we stop and place a mindful focus on dependability, we might find that there is lots we can depend on even in the midst of chaos. Taking the time to acknowledge and thank all of the entities and situations that are dependable in our lives is a great mindfulness practice.

A second mindfulness practice is to shine a light on our own dependability. We can take some time to contemplate what family, friends, and co-workers might say about our reliability. This isn’t about overcommitting and not taking care of ourselves. It’s about honestly assessing how we show up in a meaningful way for our loved ones and the world.

And although life might feel unpredictable, taking stock of what is dependable in our lives and how we can be dependable for others provides a great counterpoint to those feelings. There is usually a balance of dependability and disorder. We can choose to tune into the dependable.

Dogs are Dependable
Dogs are Dependable (in case you hadn’t noticed)

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