Mindfulness Garden Games
by Joann Calabrese
author of Growing Mindful

New Moon & Equinox Energy

Happy New Moon, March 21, 2023
Sage - Wisdom and SanctuaryWeaving Together the Energy of Spring Equinox & New Moon

This day holds an abundance of new moon & equinox energy. The new moon occurs today, March 21st, and the vernal equinox took place yesterday, March 20th.  Each of these events hold powerful imagery and energy that we can tap into.

New Moon

Let’s start with the new moon. This is the time in the lunar cycle when the moon seems to be invisible because it is hidden by the brightness of the sun. It’s a reminder that things may be hidden from view but are still very much with us. There is an obvious connection with the perennials in our garden that may have disappeared from view during the winter months. They are alive and well and ready to re-emerge soon.

And there is also a strong resonance with aspects of our lives that might be hidden from view because we’ve not given them much light or energy. We may have strengths and talents that are just waiting to be nourished in some way. The energy of this moment is an invitation to make them more visible.


Moving onto the vernal equinox, this is the time when the sun is directly over the equator. It heralds the beginning of spring for the northern hemisphere and fall for the southern hemisphere. Equinox carries many different energies. But there is a dominant energy of equilibrium, as there is a balance of light and dark. And of course, like the new moon, there is an energy of transitioning from one season to the next. In the northern hemisphere, the energy is about hope and rebirth – hope that winter is fading and rebirth of plants and the green world.

A Tapestry of Energies

The complementary energies of new moon & equinox create a woven tapestry. Each thread combines with the others to make a fabric greater than the sum of its parts. The threads of this tapestry include rebirth, increased light, hope, growth, transition, and emergence. These attributes apply to spring gardens and also our lives.

Mindful Focus on New Moon & Equinox Energy

Practicing mindfulness in the green world involves paying attention, and spring is one of the easiest times to embrace this practice. Because so many plants are transitioning from a kind of slumber to aliveness, there is a lot to notice. Challenge yourself to engage all of your senses when outdoors. What do you feel, hear, see, and smell? How are the colors, shapes, and fragrances changing each day? What do you notice that is emerging and transitioning?

One of the strongest aspects of this moment is things being revealed that were previously unseen. Take the time to tune into that energy. As you walk outdoors or begin to work in your garden, pay attention to what is emerging. In my garden this week, the first tiny shoots of garlic and tulips have pushed up through the ground. I’m celebrating these signs of rebirth with gratitude and joy.

Emergence & Transition in our Lives

The powerful energies of new moon & equinox resonate with our lives as well as our gardens. This is a perfect time to work with the attributes of emergence, transition, and rebirth. We can hold these concepts in our awareness in periods of contemplation or walking meditation. And we can work with them by posing questions as we journal. If you have not used this technique before, begin by finding a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted. Then simply write a question at the top of the page, hold pen in hand, and begin to write. Don’t filter your thoughts. This is only for you. Grammar and spelling are irrelevant in this activity.

Questions to consider: What strengths and talents do I have that are hidden from myself or others? How might I shine a light on these strengths and talents? Why have I kept these aspects of myself in the dark? In what ways can I help these strengths and talents emerge into the light? 

Dandelions for Resilience

Bringing it all Back to the Garden

It is spring! And it is the new moon! Light and life are emerging. We can align with this time by gardening (of course). If you are not yet a gardener, the act of co-creating with the green world is a beautiful way to honor this season. It doesn’t have to be complicated. There are many varieties of plants that can be grown in pots on patios as well as herbs that can be nurtured on windowsills. Embrace the energy of rebirth and emergence by planting some seeds.

If you are a gardener, you are probably already aligned with this energy, but think about all the ways you can deepen the connection. Plant something new and unique. Or plant seeds that are part of your family’s history and heritage. Share the joy by giving seeds and plant cuttings to new gardeners. Practice cultivating wonder and gratitude at this time of rebirth, hope, and emergence.

Lunar Blog Post Series
Luna in the grapevines

This post is part of my lunar blog series.  Each full moon I write about one of the plants featured in my book, Growing Mindful.  Each new moon I write about a topic related to gardens, mindfulness, and spirituality. For more details and a list of past lunar blog posts, click here. 

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