Mindfulness Garden Games
by Joann Calabrese
author of Growing Mindful

One Simple (or Not So Simple) Resolution


The time of New Year’s Resolutions is upon us. Many people think it’s a fruitless practice, as we know most resolutions dissolve in the first few weeks of January. However, I like the idea of this intentional practice.  Resolutions embody a hopefulness and a willingness to try a little harder, do a little better, even for a short time. In a world with overwhelming problems that need to be fixed, who can argue with that concept.

I have a garden related intention that has nothing to do with planting or tending. It is simply to acknowledge and appreciate my garden each time I pass by. One might think this would be the easiest thing in the world. I am deeply in love with this garden space and the plants within it, and yet on a regular basis, I just run by the garden on my way out the door. No noticing. No tuning in. I might be late for work or just preoccupied with my “to do” list, but I completely miss the moment to tune into the life, energy, and abundance that is right here in front of my nose.

sage in winter
sage in winter

Even in the dead of winter with 20 degree temps in Denver, the whole space vibrates with energy. Sunflower and amaranth stalks, not yet cleared away, remind me of where the flowers graced the yard just a few months ago. And the seeds of both are biding their time in the soil until spring. The perennials are laying low, but alive and vibrant if I pay attention. Some are just winter skeletons, with beautiful frost patterns each morning. But some, like sage and rue hang onto their green leaves in the bitter cold.

Why does tuning into the garden matter? Because this is my life, moment by moment, and if I am not awake and appreciating the things I love, right now, then how will I ever extend awareness to the not as important things in my life?  This garden (like the rest of the green world) is a magical place. And tuning into that every day helps me remember the magic and tap into joy.

So that’s it, a simple new year’s resolution. Be present and aware of this place that I love.  Stop for just a moment as I leave the yard or return to it, breathing in the energy and beauty of this place. And then I can work on pushing that out to the other things I love. After all, this is our moment. Whether it is new year’s day or any other day of the year. This is our moment to wake up.

Hawthorn Berries and Crescent Moon
Hawthorn Berries and Crescent Moon


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