New Moon Greetings – February 27, 2025

Circle of Influence in the Garden
As an organic gardener, I am happy to accommodate a healthy mix of insects in the garden. The beneficial predators usually take care of the destructive insects. However, each summer, my Denver garden is overrun with Japanese Beetles. They are voracious insects that decimate everything they touch. Because they are not native, they are particularly destructive.
I cannot stop the invasion – it is bigger than me. The whole city is impacted. But I can make choices that limit the damage by covering plants with netting and also heading outside multiple times a day to pick them off of my plants. The beetles especially love grapes, roses, and raspberries and I know that some people choose not to grow any of those plants because of the beetles. That is not a choice I am willing to make.
But the point is that we all have some agency in this situation. I can’t stop the onslaught, but I can temper it. I have a circle of influence within my yard and garden and can step up to act accordingly. My freezer is full of raspberries right now because I chose to do something.
Cirle of Influence in the Wider World

Maybe you’ve already figured out where I am going with this post. The analogy between the garden and the wider world is obvious to me. The onslaught of hate and bullying, coupled with the erosion of values like honesty and compassion can be overwhelming. Some people have told me they don’t think anything can be done. They recommend just resigning ourselves to this new world of meanness and hostility. I’m pretty sure that if we think nothing can be done, then it cannot.
As individuals, we cannot fix the whole world, but we do have a circle of influence. Doing something, no matter how small, sets the energy in motion for change.
Finding Community
When I have garden problems, I reach out to other gardeners for advice and ideas. Being with kindred spirits is not only helpful from a practical perspective, it lets us know we are not alone. Things are rough right now. Find your support and your allies and know that change is possible. Small incremental steps (one beetle at a time) can bring about change.
Finding Serenity and Courage
I love the serenity prayer. You can speak it to your intuitive self, your ancestors, or however you define the energy of the universe. It is a poweful anchor that calls us back to center and allows us to reclaim the clarity to move forward.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change ( We can accept the fact that the world is pretty imperfect and it always has been.)
The courage to change the things I can (But we each have agency in our lives and can tap into our resilience and courage to step up.)
And the wisdom to know the difference. (And also the wisdom to move forward in the most proactive way.)
Mindfulness is not about passively accepting hate. It is about seeing clearly and knowing where our energy can be spent in the most effective way. Ask yourself, “What is my Circle of Influence?” And then do something.

Make phone calls. Visit your representatives’ offices. Donate money (if you can) to the groups actively countering the dismantling of normal behavior. Reach out to people being impacted by the hate. Remember that we make choices with our money and you can avoid giving it to the organizations who are tearing things apart. Shake off the feeling that nothing can be done. You have power within your circle of influence. Use it.
About this Blog Post & and Qigong Practice

This post is part of my lunar blog series. For the time being I’ll be posting on each new moon as that is a great time to begin projects and set intentions with the increasing light. Topics are related to related to plants and ideas featured in my book, Growing Mindful. or on other topics related to mindfulness, gardens, qigong, and intentional living. For more details and a list of past lunar blog posts, click here.
An invitation to healing circles. I have partnered with other graduates of the IIQTC (Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi) to offer virtual HeART of Body Compassionate Self Care Practice Circles based on qigong and tai chi. Check out the information here: Global Healing Circles or contact me if you need more information.
I’m also offering qigong practice on Zoom during the colder months and at Bluff Lake Nature Center in Denver in the warmer months. You can find the schedule in announcements on the home page.