Mindfulness Garden Games
by Joann Calabrese
author of Growing Mindful

Simple Earth Day Mindful Practices

Happy Earth Day 2021!


How do you Spell Earth?

H-O-M-E –  Yes, we know it. But we don’t always hold this knowledge in our awareness. And based on some of the behavior on the planet, many don’t seem to understand this fact.  And it is the only home we have.

So in honor of Earth Day, here are four simple mindfulness practices that focus on our home.

H – Hold Awareness of the Gifts
Apple Tree in Earth Day Snow
Apple Tree in Earth Day Snow

Life can be challenging and hectic, but we can make a commitment to begin each day by focusing our awareness on the gifts the planet provides to us – air, water, food. As we open our eyes each morning we can be grateful for our first conscious breath. It’s a new day full of possibilities. Breathe in and be grateful for this day – an opportunity to be kind and do good. Post a note near your bedside to remember this practice for a few days and it will soon become automatic. As you make breakfast and morning tea or coffee, stop for a moment and consider these gifts as well. Trace in your mind the path it took for these gifts to arrive in your home. Hold that awareness with gratitude.

O – Open Your Eyes to the Wonder

Notice the green world that supports our life.  There is beauty and perseverance everywhere that we can appreciate and learn from. Take a walk this Earth Day. Breathe in the newness of spring and notice the places that new life is bursting forth. Push your vision beyond formal landscapes to appreciate wildish places. Notice the weeds coming up through cracks in sidewalks and the plants taking over abandoned lots.  They shine with resilience and tenacity.

M – Move Away from your Screens
Crandall Currants on Earth Day
Crandall Currant Bush on Earth Day

Just for a little while, make a commitment to put down the screens today and be outside to engage with the green world. Touch a tree. Run your hands along the bark and tune into the feeling and energy there. If you live someplace where trees or plants are blooming, get close to breathe in the fragrance.

E –  Ephemeral – Remember it is all ephemeral
Garden Beds on Earth Day
Garden Beds on Earth Day

Cultivate an awareness of how transitory it all is. Holding an awareness of the ephemeral nature of our existence opens the doorway to deep appreciation and gratitude. Flowers, trees, and yes humans are changing every moment. The changes are mostly imperceptible. But each moment is new and different. On this Earth Day – head outside to embrace this particular moment in time. Notice the green world around you with awe and wonder.                     Happy Earth Day!

Garlic Sprouts on Earth Day
Garlic Sprouts on Earth Day

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