Mindfulness Garden Games
by Joann Calabrese
author of Growing Mindful

New Moon Thanksgiving Eve

Luna In the Grape Vines - worldview

Happy New Moon – Thanksgiving Eve – November 23, 2022 Our Thanksgiving table will hold lots of treats from last summer’s harvest. Apples pies from my Liberty apple tree, pumpkin casserole from the Australian Butter Pumpkins, and green tomato pickles. It is a joy to be able to share the garden’s bounty. I am eternally … Read more

Cultivating Joy – New Year 2022

Cultivating Joy

Happy New Year Wishing you a Happy New Year – one filled with health, joy, gardens overflowing, and a keen sense of wonder and appreciation for the green world. Whether you are a gardener or not (but why would you not be a gardener?) the green world provides countless ways to engage in an intentional … Read more

Simple Earth Day Mindful Practices


Happy Earth Day 2021! How do you Spell Earth? H-O-M-E –  Yes, we know it. But we don’t always hold this knowledge in our awareness. And based on some of the behavior on the planet, many don’t seem to understand this fact.  And it is the only home we have. So in honor of Earth … Read more

Nine Garden Intentions for a New Year

Mindful Garden Intentions for 2021 Embrace Wholeness.  If you are a gardener you already know a garden is much more than the visible plants. Soil, pollinators, fungi, micro-organisms, the elements, and green plants are an interconnected web. Find ways to hold that connectedness in your awareness throughout the day. Share the Joy. Introduce someone to … Read more

Flax to Fiber Update

Flax to Fiber Experiment As some of you know, I became intrigued by the whole process of turning flax into fiber after reading The Golden Thread. Of course, I had to try it myself. This is an update on the project  that began in January.  In the spring, I put in a new 8 foot by … Read more

Ancestors & Apple Trees

The Ancestor Connection My love of gardening comes from my parents and before that my grandparents.  There is definitely an ancestor connection to caring for green things. And this year I can’t look at my tiny espaliered apple tree without thinking of my father. My dad tended apple and pear trees for as long as … Read more

For Beverly – Planting Seeds of Joy

    Last year on March 18th, my good friend Beverly passed away. It was shocking and disorienting as Beverly seemed unstoppable to me. Even though she’d been born with a serious physical disability, she didn’t let that slow her down. She used a motorized wheel chair and you really needed to stay out of … Read more


A Season of Harvest As I write this post I am watching the chickadees hanging upside down on sunflower heads picking out the last seeds. The pumpkin vines and most of the rest of the garden plants are dying back. Although the sunchokes, zinnias and cosmos are putting on a last enthusiastic show. The angle … Read more


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