As the world moves into surreal disaster movie mode with COVID-19, mindfulness practice is needed more than ever. It may require increased dedication. Here are four key points to consider as we move through the next few weeks.
First – Breathe
No seriously – taking slow deep breaths activates the parasympathetic nervous system. That’s the part of our bodies that helps us relax and de-stress. When we are worried, we are in fight or flight mode. Unless we are really fighting or fleeing, this mode is of no help to us. It drains blood from the brain and sends it to the large muscles and it makes it very hard to think strategically.
Perhaps you need to get supplies or are concerned about your health or a loved one’s health. You may need to figure out how you’ll work with the kids at home or how you’ll pay your bills. Having your wits about you is going to serve you much better in figuring it all out. And here’s the thing – there’s been no “run on the store” on taking slow deep breaths. They are free and available to everyone. And they work.
Second – Gather Information and Know When to Stop
The internet is a rabbit hole. We can easily get sucked into flitting from website to website searching for more and more information on COVID-19. At some point instead of information gathering we are stoking fear and are back to fight or flight mode. Before hopping on the 24-7 flow of data, take a moment to consider that it is not all information. Some is opinion. Some is wildly inaccurate. And much is endless repetition.
Instead of opening ourselves to this chaotic flow we can mindfully ask what exactly do we need to know each day and what are the best sources? We can then search for that specific information, setting aside the rest. This is a great mindfulness practice as it will take our full attention not to be distracted by all the innuendo. It can be helpful to write down our questions, so we don’t get lost.
For me the questions come down to: Has anything changed in the last 24 hours especially in my community? Is there new information that could help combat the virus? Are there specific things I can do to stop the spread? Are there things I can do to help others who are struggling?
Third – Identify Options for Action
Once we are thinking clearly, we can identify what is in the realm of possible for us to do and then do it. We are all going to have different lists of actions based on our personal situations. But there is something being recommended for everyone. We can all do our part to flatten the curve. There is a legitimate concern that the virus will overwhelm our health care system as is happening in Italy. Whether you feel like you are a person at risk or not, limiting interactions with others will slow down the rate of infection so the health care system can respond.
Fourth – Surrender and Appreciate
After you have done all of the above, surrender to the fact that this is our new reality for a while. You’ve done what you can. Go outside. Observe the buds on trees. See the crocuses pushing up through the ground. Spring is happening almost everywhere. Spring is always a symbol of hope. Appreciate the life you have today in this moment. Tell your family you love them. Hang out with your pets. (They don’t even know there is a pandemic.) Be well.
![Luna Luna](
LOVE the pic of your corgi dog.
Thank you! She is a joy!