Mindfulness Garden Games
by Joann Calabrese
author of Growing Mindful

Mindfulness Invitations, a Challenge, & a Gift

Welcoming  the New Year As we cautiously wade into 2022 I have invitations, a mindfulness challenge, and a gift to brighten your new year. Perhaps you started the year with a goal to practice mindfulness in a more consistent or deeper way. Or maybe you are still casting about to decide what your mindfulness goals … Read more

Cultivating Joy – New Year 2022

Cultivating Joy

Happy New Year Wishing you a Happy New Year – one filled with health, joy, gardens overflowing, and a keen sense of wonder and appreciation for the green world. Whether you are a gardener or not (but why would you not be a gardener?) the green world provides countless ways to engage in an intentional … Read more

Nine Garden Intentions for a New Year

Mindful Garden Intentions for 2021 Embrace Wholeness.  If you are a gardener you already know a garden is much more than the visible plants. Soil, pollinators, fungi, micro-organisms, the elements, and green plants are an interconnected web. Find ways to hold that connectedness in your awareness throughout the day. Share the Joy. Introduce someone to … Read more

One Simple (or Not So Simple) Resolution

Hawthorn Berries and Crescent Moon

  The time of New Year’s Resolutions is upon us. Many people think it’s a fruitless practice, as we know most resolutions dissolve in the first few weeks of January. However, I like the idea of this intentional practice.  Resolutions embody a hopefulness and a willingness to try a little harder, do a little better, … Read more

Setting the Wheel in Motion – Bringing Intention to Life

My 2017 Intention It’s the last Sunday of the year and I’ve made it to a finish line of sorts. At this time last year, I set an intention to write a weekly blog on a word or a concept for mindful focus.  My goal was multi-purposed. Setting a weekly focal point would give me … Read more

A New Year’s Mindfulness Experiment – Exploring One Concept a Week

A Mindful Experiment My intention for the new year is to take one concept each week – just ONE – and dive into it in a focused and mindful way and see what happens – a mindfulness experiment of sorts.  My hope is that I’ll be able to reach a deeper understanding and integrate it … Read more


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