Mindfulness Garden Games
by Joann Calabrese
author of Growing Mindful

Tenacity – Mindfulness Focus Words

Calendula - Tenacity




Tenacity is the mindfulness focus word for the week – the ability to hang on through numerous set-backs.  It is inspired by the few plants in my garden that are just persisting despite the frost, cold, and winter on the way. Calendula is one of those tenacious plants.

Calendula is an annual, sometimes called pot marigold. It’s a beautiful plant with prolific orange and yellow flowers.  The flowers can be used to make healing salves which are  great for eczema and other skin irritations. Earlier in the season the plants were bursting with flowers, many of which I picked to dry for salves and soap making, but I always leave some flowers on the plant just to enjoy. I was surveying the garden the last few days and noticing that most plants, especially the annuals, are done. However some of the Calendula are still flowering.  And the word tenacity popped into my head.

Tenacity is a great strength to have during difficult times.  It is the ability to hang on through all the ups and downs on a difficult planet. It is that gift that happens when we dig deep within ourselves and find the energy and the strength to go the extra mile. I know in my own life, I value the strength of tenacity, but I sometimes have trouble with balance.  There may be times when the best answer is actually to let go and move on.   Maybe that is when tenacity turns into stubbornness. That’s always the dilemma to know which is which.

So this week’s focus is on paying attention to tenacity… cultivating it and being mindful of its gifts, but also knowing when it is time to fold up and walk away.  That is the harder thing I think.  And the thing that requires focus and intention.

For more information on my weekly mindfulness focus words click here.

Often it is tenacity and not talent that rules the day. Julia Cameron

Water is fluid, soft, and yielding, but water will wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield. What is soft is strong.   Lao Tzu

Calendula 2 tenacity For a simple Calendula salve recipe click here.



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