Having grown up reading Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and other fantasy books, I’ve been immersed in the concept of deep magic. Most everyone knows the stories…the ring to rule them all was forged by deep magic, the stone table on which Aslan was sacrificed was built with deep magic. The magic that created these things always happened long ago, before human memory.
As I contemplate the start of a new garden season in Denver, it seems obvious that gardening is a kind of deep magic. Garlic shoots are pushing up through the ground and edible greens have overwintered providing spring salads. Healthy, accessible food is manifesting in my backyard; how wonderful and magical is that? I am also eating the last of the pumpkins I harvested in the fall. There has been a constant supply of pumpkin curries, stews, stir fries, and of course pumpkin cookies. People are sometimes amazed when I tell them I have kept pumpkins all winter, but it is more amazing to me that in a few generations we’ve forgotten what our grandparents all knew. Lots of homegrown food can be kept through the winter without much fuss.
Seed Magic
What deeper magic can there be than tiny seeds springing to life and creating plants that nourish us, and keep on nourishing us? As every gardener knows, we can help things along, but we don’t MAKE it happen. The code for that was set long ago, before human memory.
Please don’t say you are not a gardener. Almost anyone can grow some food. Small yards and patios can grow a prolific amount of food by using large pots, and apartment dwellers can grow greens and herbs in pots by a sunny window.
Participate in some deep magic of your own by planting and tending a few seeds this spring.
*If you are new to gardening and don’t know where to start. Find something easy. Some of my favorite seed companies are listed below. They have great descriptions of plants so you can find something easy and suited to your yard or patio.
I have lots of pumpkin seeds (edible pie pumpkins) that I harvested last fall. I will send some to the first five people who respond. Request Free Pumpkin Seeds Remember you need room for beautiful but expansive vines (think 10 feet.)
Seed Companies:
Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company
I would like some of the pumpkin seeds… I’m out!
I can hand them to you next week! 🙂