Mindfulness Garden Games
by Joann Calabrese
author of Growing Mindful

Borage for Courage & Joy

borage for courage

Happy Full Moon – April 6, 2023 Inviting Borage into Your Garden As you gather seeds for spring planting, consider adding borage (Borago officinalis) to the list. Borage is a hardy annual with vibrant star-shaped flowers, usually of blue and lavender (but there is a rare white variety). It is a wonderful companion plant, repelling … Read more

My Favorite Chinese Herb

My favorite Chinese herb is called huang hua ti ting. In the garden, huang hua ti ting flowers attract bees and other pollinators. It is also a dynamic accumulator, a plant whose long tap root digs deep and breaks up compacted soil, pulling minerals up to its leaves. The plant can then be added to compost piles to release these minerals into the soil.


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