Mindfulness Garden Games
by Joann Calabrese
author of Growing Mindful

Dandelions for Resilience

Dandelions for Resilience

Blessings at the Full Moon – March 18, 2022 This Dandelions for Resilience post is part of my lunar blog series featuring one plant and its correspondence each full moon. (Read more details on the lunar mindfulness series. ) Resilience I love dandelions and I’ve written about them often in this blog  and in my book, Growing Mindful. … Read more

Of Weeds & Medicinal Herbs

Dandelions for Resilience

  I recently finished reading a fascinating book by Judith Flanders –  A Place for Everything: The Curious History of Alphabetical Order. If you are laughing at the idea that alphabetical order can be fascinating, stay with me. (And this is absolutely related to weeds and medicinal herbs.) Alphabetical order was not always a “thing”.  … Read more

Spreading Viral Compassion

Dandelions for Resilience

  Viral Overload I don’t know about you, but I am weary of seeing the super magnified coronavirus molecule everywhere I turn. Certainly, we want to be informed citizens, but we are awash in scary images and language, sometimes without any real content. Rather than feeling informed, the overload can invoke a lot of fear … Read more

Dandelion Resilience – Mindfulness Focus Week 10

Dandelion Resilience Resilience, the ability to bounce back from adversity, is  the mindfulness practice word for the week.  The goal is to intentionally notice resilience in ourselves, others, and the world.  I can’t think of a better example of resilience in the plant world than dandelions. And with Denver’s recent 60 degree days, I’ve sighted … Read more

My Favorite Chinese Herb

My favorite Chinese herb is called huang hua ti ting. In the garden, huang hua ti ting flowers attract bees and other pollinators. It is also a dynamic accumulator, a plant whose long tap root digs deep and breaks up compacted soil, pulling minerals up to its leaves. The plant can then be added to compost piles to release these minerals into the soil.


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