Mindfulness Garden Games
by Joann Calabrese
author of Growing Mindful

Qi Gong Practice

Summer GardenJoin me for Qi Gong Practice

I am certified to teach qigong and Tai Chi Easy through the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC). During the warm months in Denver I lead qigong practice at Bluff Lake Nature Center.  During the colder months I am leading over Zoom.  Contact me if you are intersted in joining us. 

Qigong – What is it?

Qigong is a healing practice that works on mind, body, emotions, and spirit. It enhances the body’s own healing abilities.  It is grounded in Traditional Chinse Medicine which understands that blocks in the flow of qi energy is the root cause of many illnesses and negative emotinal states.

Qigong has hundreds, perhaps thousands, of practices. These include meditations, movements, breath work, and massage. The unifying theme with all of them is the goal of removing/dissolving blocks in qi energy to create harmony in the body.

I love qigong because it is so accessible. Beginning practices are easy to learn and can be adapted if someone has limited mobility or injuries. But all of the practices can lead to deep and profound changes and healing.

Check out my blog posts on qigong which provide more information on the practice:

Gardening & Qigong – 5 Connections

Invitation to Qi Energy

Here are some additional resources to get started from Roger Jahnke and the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC) where I have studied: